Tooth Extractions Julington Creek
Removing Troubled Teeth from Your Smile
Your teeth are incredibly important for several reasons: they assist you with speaking, allow you to bite and chew a variety of foods, and play a big part in your appearance and self-esteem. Dr. Shiyab will always do what he can to preserve your natural teeth, but there are cases when he recommends tooth extraction in Julington Creek. He’ll only recommend this treatment if it’s absolutely necessary and will work with you to ensure that your mouth heals properly and the tooth is effectively replaced.
Why Choose Quality Dental Care for Tooth Extractions?
- Same-Day Emergency Dental Appointments Available
- High-Quality, Lifelike Tooth Replacement Options
- Advanced Dental Technology for Precise Care
Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

To put it simply, tooth extractions are necessary when the tooth or teeth in question are a danger to the rest of a patient’s oral wellness, and Dr. Shiyab will only recommend this treatment if all other avenues have been exhausted. A few scenarios that might require removing a tooth include:
- A tooth is so damaged or decayed that it isn’t treatable with a filling or another type of restoration.
- Gum disease has advanced to the point where the tooth can’t survive.
- The tooth is causing crowding and needs to be removed before orthodontic treatment.
- The infection afflicting the tooth may spread to other teeth.
- To make room for a dental restoration.
- The tooth failed to emerge properly, making it impacted.
The Process of Removing a Tooth

To remove a tooth, Dr. Shiyab will begin by employing an appropriate anesthetic to render the process completely painless. Once he’s sure you will be comfortable, he will raise the tooth partially out of its socket using a tool called an elevator. He will then grasp it with a forceps and gently rock it back and forth until it is freed from any connective tissues. In some cases, it may be necessary to make incisions in the gums to extract the tooth. After it has been removed, it is important to replace the tooth as soon as possible to prevent damage to the gums and other teeth as well as bone loss in the jaw.
Tooth Extraction Aftercare

The best way to ensure a speedy recovery after undergoing tooth extractions is to strictly adhere to Dr. Shiyab’s post-operative instructions. These will probably include:
- Take any medications as prescribed.
- After 24 hours have passed, rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution to clean the surgical site.
- Abstain from smoking
- Refrain from drinking through a straw
- Refrain from intense exercise
- Elevate your head above your heart when laying down to reduce discomfort
- Get plenty of rest
Dr. Shiyab also recommends replacing a lost tooth as soon as possible to preserve your oral health. Replacing your tooth with a restoration such as a dental implant will help keep the other teeth in alignment, protect them from excessive wear, and keep your jawbone strong and healthy.