Tooth-Colored Fillings – St Johns, FL

Eliminate Decay and Restore Your Tooth’s Beauty

Lady smiles

Tooth decay is one of the most common health problems across the world, and it can lead to a range of oral and overall health issues such as toothache, tooth loss, and possibly dangerous secondary infections. While teeth cannot recover from tooth decay on their own, Dr. Shiyab is trained and equipped to administer tooth-colored fillings that end dental infections without compromising the smile’s appearance. Here’s a brief guide to how tooth-colored fillings work, but don’t be afraid to contact our staff in St Johns if you have any questions.

Why Choose Quality Dental Care for Tooth-Colored Fillings?

  • Compassionate and Experienced Dentist
  • Beautifully Undetectable Restorations
  • Financing Options Available through CareCredit

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Dentist smiles

Dentists have used dental fillings to restore the strength, structure, and chewing ability of teeth damaged by decay for centuries, and this has allowed countless patients to keep their teeth healthier for longer times. While traditional fillings are made using metals such as silver, gold, and mercury, modern tooth-colored fillings are made using a putty-like substance called composite resin. Since these restorations contain no metal, there’s a much lower risk of allergic reaction, and they can leave troubled teeth looking like they never had cavities to begin with.

The Process of Getting a Tooth-Colored Filling

Man smiles at dentist

Tooth-colored fillings are typically placed in a single appointment that usually takes about an hour. This process begins with Dr. Shiyab administering a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort. He will then remove the decayed matter from the tooth, sanitize the treated area, and apply tooth-colored composite resin in layers until the lost structure is completely rebuilt. After treating the restoration with an ultraviolet light and sculpting and trimming it for comfort and appearance, your tooth will be polished and you’ll be ready to show it off to the world.

The Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Lady smiles at work

Tooth-colored fillings offer a range of advantages over amalgam restorations. A few of these include:

  • A natural-looking appearance
  • Not causing the tooth to appear grayer over time
  • Forming a direct bond with the enamel for a more stable attachment
  • Requiring the removal of less healthy enamel to be placed
  • Ideal for patients with metal allergies or sensitivities
  • Causing less dental sensitivity
  • Not causing damage to the tooth by expanding and contracting due to temperature shifts
  • Lasting up to seven years, making them comparably durable to traditional amalgam fillings
  • Requiring little maintenance besides your standard regimen of brushing, flossing, and routine dental appointments